Save yourself from financial scams. At Citizens Savings Bank, we believe in doing right by our customers. That’s why we alert you to scams, hacks, and other fraudulent activity that could affect your finances. Check here regularly to stay up-to-date on the latest instances of fraud near you.
To see the most up-to-date information on financial scams and fraud, visit the FTC Scam Alerts page. This page is updated continuously to keep you informed at all times. To see the most up-to-date information on tax related fraud & scams, visit the IRS Tax Scams page.
FAKE CHECK SCAMS – Don’t Be a Victim
Recent Frauds & Scams
How to Protect Yourself at an ATM
Always protect your PINs at all times. Please be aware small hidden cameras and shoulder surfing continue to be the primary means of thieves capturing your PINs. Always make it a habit to cover the PIN entry-hand to obscure the view of the keypad at any ATMs to prevent losses.
SCAM Alert
As long as there are people making money, there will be others who will try to take it from them.
While card skimming has been around for a while, the newest forms of theft are "Bank Jugging" and "Card Cracking". You need to be aware of these new schemes so that they don’t happen to you.
What is “Bank Jugging?”
Bank Jugging occurs when a thief parks outside of a bank and watches patiently as customers go in and out. The suspect targets anyone who comes out with a bank bag, coin box or bank envelope that looks like they may have a large amount of cash. They then follow the customer and burglarize their car or the victim directly.
Most often the crime occurs at the destination the victim stops at after leaving the bank, a restaurant, grocery store or even their home. When the customer attempts to leave their vehicle they are robbed.
Bank Juggers often park where they have clear visibility of the front door, the commercial drive thru lane or the ATM. If the line of visibility is obscured they will change parking spots. Be aware of vehicles that park but no occupants enter the bank.
How to prevent Bank Jugging:
- Be aware of your surroundings, especially if something seems strange as you enter the bank.
- Conceal your bank deposit bags, coin boxes or envelopes as you enter and leave the bank.
- If you feel like you are being followed, call 911 and drive to a police station.
- Take your bank bag or envelope with you into your next destination. Don’t hide it in your vehicle.
Bank Jugging is becoming increasingly prevalent in Texas. It is easy to get in a rush and be distracted, but if you stay aware of your surroundings and report anything suspicious you can avoid getting “Jugged”.
Mobile Banking: How to be Safer When Using a Smartphone or Tablet
Everywhere you look, people are using smartphones and tablets as portable, hand-held computers. "Unfortunately, cybercriminals are also interested in using or accessing these devices to steal information or commit other crimes," said Michael Benardo, manager of the FDIC's Cyber Fraud and Financial Crimes Section. "That makes it essential for users of mobile devices to take measures to secure them, just as they would a desktop computer."
Here are some basic steps you can take to secure your mobile devices:
Avoid apps that may contain malware. Buy or download from well-known app stores, such as those established by your phone manufacturer or cellular service provider. Consult your financial institution's website to confirm where to download its official app for mobile banking.
Keep your device's operating system and apps updated. Consider opting for automatic updates because doing so will ensure that you have the latest fixes for any security weaknesses the manufacturer discovers. "Cybercriminals try to take advantage of known flaws, so keeping your software up to date will help reduce your vulnerability to foul play," said Robert Brown, a senior ombudsman specialist at the FDIC.
Consider using mobile security software and apps to protect your device. For example, anti-malware software for smartphones and tablets can be purchased from a reputable vendor.
Use a password or other security feature to restrict access in case your device is lost or stolen. Activate the "time out" or "auto lock" feature that secures your mobile device when it is left unused for a certain number of minutes. Set that security feature to start after a relatively brief period of inactivity. Doing so reduces the likelihood that a thief will be able to use your phone or tablet.
Back up data on your smartphone or tablet. This is good to do in case your device is lost, stolen or just stops working one day. Data can easily be backed up to a computer or to a back-up service, which may be offered by your mobile carrier.
Have the ability to remotely remove data from your device if it is lost or stolen. A "remote wipe" protects data from prying eyes. If the device has been backed up, the information can be restored on a replacement device or the original (if you get it back). A number of reputable apps can enable remote wiping.
To learn more about safely using smartphones and tablets, see the Federal Trade Commission's Online Privacy & Security Web page at